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Image by Oleg Vakhromov

Visit Israel!

 A dream come true!

Zest for Israel will help you achieve that dream.

Talk to Us
Home: Welcome
Image by Christian Burri

Who We Are

Zest for Israel was born during a very desperate search for the means of how to make this dream come true.  Since forever I can recall, after being born again, to visit the Holy Land - a Passion to visit "My Beloved's"place. 

God is good all the time.  All the time God is good!!!!


Please pray for the Peace of Jerusalem - as commanded in God's Word, Psalm 122.

Home: About

What We Do

We share our God inspired idea with you.  We want to be part of your journey.  We want to share testimonies and help make your dream come true.  We inspire and motivate you to believe in your dream as we share the Kingdom of God as fellow believers.

Home: Work

Print Design

Our approach to Print Design will give you the opportunity to be part of this unique creative idea as to safe up and make possible, the impossible.   Follow the instructions on the Template to fold your own unique Money box.


Package Design

With our Money Box Template, it is now easy to fold and make use of our Israel branded design.

Connect With Us

Worcester, South Africa

+27 670860951

Home: Contact
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